Whether you’re an advanced-level expert looking for ongoing inspiration, or a beginner in need of a creative outlet, you found the place!

Inspiration and support to help creatives feel encouraged and confident in their work.

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There can be too much out there, as well as too little! This list has all  of my tried and true sewing tools, including beginner-friendly items, and helps sift through what's worth the money, and where to get everything at an affordable price.

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If you have limited time to be creative, spend it being creative.

With all that goes on in our lives, it’s easy to pack up our sewing machine, art supplies, tools and fabrics out of sight. We might only take it all out when we need to mend something, or have a quick project in mind. We may feel both apologetic for taking up space, and guilty that we are not using our tools more often.

Trust me, I’ve done this. Many times, over many years, and in many different ways. 

Despite my life-long love for sewing and creating, prioritizing my creativity always came after a never-ending list of other things. Things I thought had more importance or greater meaning.

Yet that was never true. Art and creativity can come first, especially in the small moments here or there.

That’s why I started this journey. By challenging myself to put my work out there, I aim to support others in giving themselves permission to create in any way that looks for them. Whether that is working with fabric, pencils, ink, paper, design...I am rooting for you and right alongside you here in this journey. 

So let’s do this together!

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Your art deserves your commitment and attention, as much as anything else in your life.

What I believe in:

It's never too late. We are all figuring things out as we go!

Find moments each day to do what inspires you.

Simplify routines and let go of unhelpful ideas picked up along the way.

It's okay to fluctuate in how much energy you're able to give something.

Join my email list to stay in touch! You'll also get exclusive updates on videos in the works and other extras to help take your creative consistency to the next level.

Leading with patience and care, you can grow your artistic inclinations into something you love (and you can finally get those supplies out of storage!)

Prioritize consistent practice, take small steps, all while understanding that we aim for progress in creativity, not perfection.

I would love to be able to stay in touch and let you know when new things are happening here, all in the name of inspiration and creative support!

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Consider what you can do to create your own version of an inspired life! 

Why your creative process matters. 

We all have so much going on in our lives. We have our jobs, our families, our obligations, and our need for rest and relaxation. All are things that fill up our days and use our physical and mental energy.

It is incredibly difficult to fit creativity into this equation, and only you can decide what is possible for yourself. It is just that, however. A decision. Very few of us are given time for for ourselves, let alone creative work.

One must take it! 

Creativity isn't something to hide or save for later.

I used to wait for "better conditions" before I made something. A better working space, better finances, better schedule, or more confidence, more education, more expertise.

Some of those might have been legitimate reasons, yes. But they are not major barriers. I could have navigated them, and solved those problems with a bit more, well, creativity!

And I was never going to have those opportunities if I didn't start taking action. Opportunities would be missed as long as my work was invisible, not just to others, but myself. 

This is where creativity is the essential first step. Know the value of your time and of your work.

What time, space, and energy can you claim back for yourself? 

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Stuck in a motivation standstill? I know how it feels - this is what helps me

Want to see behind the scenes? Check out my sewing room tour here.

Or watch the dozens of videos I created to help inspire your sewing practice.

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I’m always sharing tips, sewing room tours, and product essentials through my emails and Youtube. If you’re ready for some creativity to brighten up your inbox, sign up below!